The First Shot edition 5.
April 2021
Our thanks to everyone who helped make our first virtual New Horizons a success!
Special thanks to our 2021 New Horizons (Virtual) Sponsors
PEO C3I & Networks Fireside Chat
Mar 17, 2021. The chapter kicked off its annual New Horizons Symposium this year, which spanned five days over two weeks in March. Jamie Thurber, chapter first vice president and senior manager of government affairs, Lockheed-Martin, performed master of ceremonies duties for the event, 'Accelerating Change-Strengthening Partnerships-Securing the Future,' which focused on exploring how the Air Force was responding to the mandate from Gen. Charles Brown, USAF, chief of staff, to 'accelerate change or lose.' Thurber welcomed more than 700 registrants and acknowledged 47 sponsors who made the symposium possible, paying special note to double diamond sponsors CACI International, Lumen and Oasis Systems, plus Diamond Sponsors Tricentis and Veritas Technologies. READ MORE
Keynote Speaker: ADM Charles Richard, USN Commander, USSTRATCOM
Former ESC/ ESD Commanders Panel Discussion
Mar 23, 2021. BAE Systems sponsored the chapter's Gold Circle session "COVID: A Defining Moment for This Generation," held in March with New Horizons. Jay Schnitzer, vice president, chief technology officer and chief medical officer, The MITRE Corporation, joined Rich Byrne, senior vice president, advisor to the president and CEO, The MITRE Corporation, to discuss the impacts of COVID and the new normal, post-COVID environment. Schnitzer described how The MITRE Corporation transitioned to a remote workforce and its coalition with the Mayo Clinic to create C19 (health care coalition of 1,000) to assist the government with COVID projects. Moving to the future, Byrne cautioned that disinformation on the Internet is an escalating challenge that has to be addressed universally through communication, tools and training if there is to be hope to decipher truth from fiction in the future. And Schnitzer prophesied that the 21st Century will come to be known as the "life sciences" century, fueling advancements that can't possibly be envisioned today. READ MORE
Mar 31, 2021. The chapter's Emerging Leaders hosted the first in a series of Mentorship events in March. Virtual panelists included Lt. Col. Kate Stowe, USAF, reservist, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force/AQR; Command Sgt. William Hebb, USAF, 66th Air Base Group, Hanscom Air Force Base; Mike McGinley, defense & information technology partnership lead, Google; and Jerry VanDeWiele, professor of systems engineering and program management, Defense Acquisition University-Dayton. All of these former Young AFCEANs (YACs) offered career advice and reminisced about their experiences with AFCEA. During their discussions, a common theme emerged: Focus on the importance of establishing and maintaining relationships/connections and a personal network. AFCEA taught them to share ideas, open doors, build collaborative solutions to problems and assist with career advancements. Each member panelist credited AFCEA with the opportunity to develop leadership skills, placing them in good stead for professional ... READ MORE
Chapter Awards $33,000 in ROTC Scholarships
Apr 6, 2021. The chapter recognized 21 of the most outstanding ROTC cadets and midshipmen from across the Northeast with $1,500 scholarships at its annual ROTC scholarship ceremony held virtually in April. First Lieutenant Pat Backus, USAF, master of ceremonies, welcomed all and introduced Rear Adm. Brian Corey, USN, program executive officer for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons, U.S. Navy. The admiral delivered a motivational keynote address on his career experiences and the challenges of military service, urging cadets/midshipman to set high standards of excellence; be rigorous in their mission planning; prepare their minds by "getting in the zone" to execute; and commit to life-long learning, noting that in today's world, they will experience rapid changes and must be prepared to adapt. Backus then recognized each scholarship winner. They included: …READ MORE
Adopt-A-School Program Lends a Hand
April 5-9 2021. During National Robotics week, April 5-9 2021, AFCEA Lexington Concord Chapter teamed with MassRobotics to provide robotic hand kits to high school students and educators at the John D. O’Bryant High School of Mathematics and Science, Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, Boston Community Leadership Academy and New Mission High School and ran workshops on how to use them. The kits provided were the BrainCo Neuromaker – a hands-on STEM learning platform curricula and activities which provide opportunities for both the most and least experienced students and teachers, beginning with the building of the actual robot hand, to open ended challenges in programming that can be used in the future.
Thanks to The MITRE Corporation and Toyota Research Institute who “Adopted” these schools and sent representatives to work with the students, mentoring, talking about their career paths, and discussing opportunities in the STEM fields. Funds were also provided by MIT Lincoln Laboratory. A special thank you to the AFCEA Lexington Concord Chapter leadership for collaborating and helping us secure sponsors and funds needed to provide these kits and scholarships to schools and students. ... READ MORE
“Part of our mission is to support students pursuing STEM disciplines. This was a perfect venue for just that.”
Upcoming Events
Elmer J Fuller Spring Golf Outing
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Marlborough Country Club
200 Concord Road, Marlborough, MA